Assisted Living
![Nurse assisting family](
Welcome home! Meadow View Assisted Living serves the community by offering a caring environment in a neighborhood setting. We are a Type A assisted living facility, which means that residents must:
- Be able to evacuate the facility without staff assistance, with wheelchair or walker if needed, in the event of an emergency.
- Not require supervision during sleeping hours.
- Be able to cognitively and physically follow directions.
Meadow View welcomes adults of all ages who are living with disabilities.
Level of Assisted Living Care
To determine whether a potential resident meets the qualifications for Type A assisted living, we assess whether the individual:
- Needs help with medication (we offer medication management).
- Needs help in the shower.
- Is incontinent (we do not offer incontinence care).
- Meets behavioral expectations for community living.
- 24-hour staff
- Assistance with personal services
- Medication management
- Counseling services available
- Physician visits
- Physical, speech and occupational therapy
All Inclusive
Meadow View Assisted Living rates are all inclusive (room, meals, services, amenities, etc.).
We accept private pay (out of pocket). In addition, we are a Community Care for the Aged & Disabled (CCAD) provider and a Community Based Alternative (CBA) provider.